Tuesday, August 4, 2009

27th DAY: Last Chance at Fuji

When Nigel finally got up, it was about 9am. I had already taken a glance around the corner if we could see Mt. Fuji, nothing but a big white cloud. That was our last time sleeping for free. We drove and drove that day. We followed Route 150 for what seemed like forever and took a rest. We followed 150 for another eternity until we reached Route 1. Then we reached thick traffic still 40km away from Nagoya. It was not fun.

We finally got to the outer city of Nagoya and took a much needed break. I found on hostelworld a place that said it was 630yen. It sounded impossibly cheap but we searched for it anyways. We got a little confused along the way but when we got there, of course we were wrong. That price was for the parking fee for cars. The rooms were 4200yen each. It was old and felt dirty but it was late and there was no way I was going back out there to look for another place. I hadn't slept the night before and I was ready to conk out after an onsen bath and that was exactly what I did.

1 comment:

  1. hello, nice to meet you.

    i'm Louis!
    i'm the Tourism Bureau, Rep. of China production video team.
    sorry, we need check your accuracy date and time you leave japan and arrive taiwan.
    but we can't connect your team.
    so i leave my cellphone number & e-mail


    we need your connect. keep in touch!


    by the way...
    Before you leave the Japan airport, please connect us.

    cellphone: 0956-429-048
    it is allengy.
    keep in touch.
