Sunday, July 19, 2009

14th DAY: Rain Delay

We were supposed to go to the morning markets, check out the old town, see some more temples, drive to Shirakawa, then find a campsite near Toyama this day but as soon as we wake up, both of us decided against it. The raining didn’t stop from the previous night until 12:30pm. That was our opportunity to have a look around. First Nigel had to mail his broken camera back to Taiwan for repair. Morning markets were done so that was out of the question

now. Of course, it started downpouring again but we went to the restored old town anyways. The architecture and streets haven’t changed since the development. It was nice to see aside from the swarms of tourists and the buildings being converted into souvenir shops. I had no idea that this was such a mecca for tourists. It’s good news for Rocky. He needs to tap into that market somehow. GO FOR IT ROCKY!

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